Acupuncture: The Most Popular Treatment Among Alternative Medicines

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The English word “acupuncture” is derived from the Latin acus (needle) and punctum (puncture). Isolated from the theories of TCM, as so many practitioners here practise it in North America, acupuncture becomes purely a technique of needle insertion. We feel that those who have only seminar training in skin puncture technique have seriously distorted the art and science of acupuncture. To distinguish our acupuncture from other new styles-such as anatomical acupuncture-we use the term traditional Chinese acupuncture, or simply traditional acupuncture in our practice.
Traditional acupuncture is practised within the framework of TCM. A practitioner must be able to conduct a traditional interview with a client, collect all the necessary clinical information and reach a TCM diagnosis. Then, the practitioner will be able to form a treatment strategy, and select a combination of acupuncture points. TCM is based on an energetic model rather than an anatomical or biochemical model.

The key to TCM diagnosis is to detect the patterns of imbalance and disharmony of the different systems within the human body. Since the definitions of health and diseases of TCM and of biomedicine are different, traditional acupuncture treatment does not rely on biomedical diagnosis. In fact, traditional acupuncture was practised thousands of years before the modern biomedical system was established.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Being practised for thousands of years, acupuncture is safe if qualified acupuncturists perform it. Acupuncture needles are thin (like human hair) and solid (not hollow like injection needles). Therefore, a skilled practitioner can painlessly insert them through the skin, and they will not damage the tissue. For those who are really scared of needles, we have alternatives such as laser beam, magnets, tuina (TCM massage), acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, etc. to stimulate the points and meridians. In the age of HIV and hepatitis, we assure our clients 100% safety by using only sterilized, disposable needles.
Why is TCM Acupuncture So Popular?
Because traditional acupuncture stimulates one’s natural healing processes; traditional acupuncture puts people back in control of their own bodies and health care; traditional acupuncture treats the whole person not just the disease and symptoms; traditional acupuncture works on many health problems for which Western medicine is less effective; traditional acupuncture is safe, effective, and has virtually no side effect.
Why People Are Coming For Acupuncture?
TCM treatments promote the movement of qi throughout the body in order to help bring balance back to the body. The goal of acupuncture is to correct this imbalance which can cause a variety of ailments and conditions that you may currently have.
Acupuncture uses very thin needles (which have been compared to being as small as cat whiskers) that stimulate pressure points and other areas of your body. It stimulates qi by placing needles in specific spots, often along meridians. Meridians are the channels that qi travels in the body.
Acupuncture can help with many health conditions, including:
Allergies, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain including joint pain, Back pain and sciatica, Depression, Headaches including migraines, Insomnia, Infertility, Indigestion, Menopausal Issues, PMS, Stress and anxiety, Tinnitus (ringing ears), and Weight gain.
Below are the top five ways that acupuncture can help:
1. Relieves Pain: Acupuncture can help alleviate many types of pain that may range from headaches and migraines to neck and back pain. These studies have shown its effectiveness in treating lower back pain, migraines, tension headaches, and knee pain. Acupuncture works differently for everybody. For some, a single treatment can alleviate symptoms for several months while others need a more routine treatment schedule.
2. Improved Sleep: Another thing that Acupuncture can help improve is sleep and insomnia. Scientists believe that acupuncture increases the production of brain chemicals that promote relaxation, thus allowing for better sleep.
3. Uplift Mood: Acupuncture can help with improving mood, including helping with depression, stress, and anxiety. The needles from acupuncture treatment release endorphins in the body. Endorphins are hormones that provide a boost in mood, encouraging happiness and relaxation.
4. Help the Heart: Acupuncture is also good for your heart due to the relaxation and stress reduction that one achieves from the treatments, which are also known to reduce blood pressure. Stress and high blood pressure are commonly related to heart attacks and heart disease.
5. Support the Immune System: Research has shown that acupuncture can boost immune system function. The placement of acupuncture needles can release immune-boosting cytokines. Cytokines are messenger cells that regulate the body’s immune response. By triggering the immune system, acupuncture can help fight infections or illnesses like colds and the flu.
If you deal with any of the above symptoms or think that acupuncture may be right for you- schedule an appointment with us! We’d be happy to find your unique one-of-a-kind acupuncture treatment that’s made just for you.