Promote fertility Naturally

pregnancy to birth

happy couple

We treat, in our terms, female and male functional infertility. Helping women to become pregnant is one of the strengths of acupuncture and TCM. Over the years, we have accumulated good experiences in this area. For a woman, if there are eggs produced and no surgical corrections needed to her reproduction system, the infertility might be solved with TCM. Some became pregnant even reproductive technology failed them. It takes two to make a baby, so we often treat the wife and husband both. If there is a male factor, we strongly encourage the future dad to participate in the treatment plan.

This system of healing also improves the outcome for those who are using the reproductive technology such as IVF, etc. You should start TCM treatments the earlier the better to improve the chance of IVF. The idea is to prepare your body holistically and your reproductive system in particular for the process. We apply TCM theories to each individual client and consult recent published studies. Some studies showed that acupuncture treatment could improve the IVF chance close to 50%. In each session, we use integrated TCM techniques including acupuncture and moxibustion, etc. Ideally you should have about 12 sessions, 6 sessions minimal. If insurance coverage is an important concern, you might still like to have these three most important sessions, one before your egg retrieval, one before the fertilized egg transfer and one after the transfer.

TCM has also accumulated rich experiences in helping those who are subject to repeated natural miscarriages, morning sickness in early pregnancy and lower back pain in later pregnancy. We also help women to have easier labour by improving the contractions, reducing the pain and relaxing the whole body. In cases of overdue pregnancy, some women like to try our service

yoga pregnancy

before considering medical intervention. This also applies to some women who have to deliver a couple of weeks before the calculated due date for health reasons. If you baby in a wrong position, you might have difficulty in delivery or you might have to go through a Cesarean section. In about half of the cases, our moxibustion technique and acupuncture can help the baby to reposition. Major studies were published in the Journal of American Medical Association about correcting breech presentation with moxibustion treatment. It is safe and effective.