TCM Approach to Women’s Health

happy women


women on holiday
Life is beautiful with health

TCM-traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture is one of its branches) has its increased acceptance among Canadian women. Acupuncture & Chinese medicine is soft, gentle and feminine in nature and is suitable in taking care of women’s delicate health needs. The strength of bio-medicine lies in its diagnostic technology and in its ability in dealing with critical conditions when tough chemicals, strong hormones and heroic surgeries are necessary. In China, women seek help from TCM physicians for most of chronic disorders. They find themselves in an MD’s office only if they really need surgery or tough drugs.

muslin woman
“Yes, a lady practitioner will treat you.”

TCM and modern bio-medicine approach their female clients very differently. A physician of bio-medicine tends to view his patient as a pathological subject with histological/anatomical changes and hormonal disorders, whereas a physician of TCM always sees his client as a whole living individual, with certain patterns of imbalance and disharmony in her system. A Western physician labels her patient with a name of disease and attacks the lesion fiercely. But the surrounding area and the whole person are often attacked as well. A TCM physician aims at adjusting the person’s whole system and building up her inner healing to overcome the problems. The best thing about acupuncture & Chinese medicine, of course, is its ability to improve the chronic conditions which conventional medicine has neither valid explanations nor effective treatments. The following are typical female disorders we treat successfully.

PMS and Painful Periods
angry woman
“Am I angry?”

The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are many and varied, such as anxiety, irritability, decreased motivation and efficiency, indecision, paranoia and even suicidal thoughts, low in libido, food cravings and lethargy, breast tenderness, headache, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, joint and muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea, palpitations, clumsiness, dizziness, tremors, acne, dry hair, bloating, edema, weight gain, etc. You may only have some of these symptoms. They should disappear shortly after the start of menstrual flow. Painful menstrual cramps are referred as Dysmenorrhea.

In TCM, PMS and painful period are not in themselves pathological entities. The group of symptoms and signs are highly individualized, therefore their suffers are treated differently. The patterns of these disorders are differentiated as: qi and blood stagnancy; cold coagulation and blood stasis as well as qi and blood deficiency. Acupuncture treatments (stimulating selected acu-points with special technique) and herbal formulae are used.

Menopausal Disorders

Menopause is not a disease rather a natural process during a woman’s life cycle. Only those who experience obvious discomfort should look for professional help. Menopausal disorders consist of the following symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, heart palpitations, nervousness, irritability, etc. According to TCM, menopausal difficulties are the results of the kidney (TCM concept, not the anatomical organs) deficiency, especially the kidney yin deficiency. Acupuncture & Chinese medicine has successfully helped many women passing through this difficulty period.

Abnormal Menstruation

The problems concerning the duration of cycle, or the amount, color or quality of blood, such as: advanced, retarded or the abnormal absence of menstruation and uterine bleeding, are classified into this category. TCM emphasizes the importance of regulating menstruation in treating women’s diseases, which is also the first step to solve the problem of functional infertility. TCM offers effective approaches to Leukorrhea, the different forms of abnormal discharges from the vagina.

Sexual Frigidity
cure frigidity
“Honey why wait, right now!”

If you are pregnant, do not have intercourse please, especially during the first three months. In fact, you should not do anything that is too vigorous or dramatic. Except for the time you are pregnant, you should enjoy intimacy as much as you can. The integration of Yin (female) and Yang (male) energy is essential for your general well-being and overall happiness, which is life is all about. Therefore you must be active and satisfied, playing an equal role as your man in your bedchamber exercises, more pleasurable cardio than jugging. The lack of desire and the absence of orgasm could be part of a bigger disorder. TCM treatment can help you to cultivate sexual energy and reproductive ability.